Tag Archives: Mediterranean

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Buone Pratiche WEF Nexus in Egitto (Supporto comunicazione progetto NEX-LABS ENICBCMED)

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Sono lieta di condividere uno degli articoli che ho redatto per conto del progetto NEX LABS che vede coinvolti 7 partner Mediterranei per condividere buone pratiche per il governo del WEF nexus nell’ottica dello sviluppo sostenibile dell’eco-sistema mediterraneo. L’incarico mi è stato affidato dal partner progettuale NET7 responsabile per la comunicazione del progetto europeo. In questo articolo condivido le buone pratiche provenienti dall’Egitto.

A focus on NEX-LABS Best Practices in Egypt: highlights on the importance of strategic orientation to support innovation in Water, Energy and Food

During the past months, NEX-LABS project partners have worked with an incredible commitment to defining a list of their country-specific best practices, which are helpful to build a resilient, sustainable, and inclusive Mediterranean ecosystem for water, energy and food.

Best practices are a fundamental ingredient to building a catalogue which can be useful for policy building and for improved local entrepreneurship and community resilience. 

The survey conducted in Egypt, together with research papers, helped define four features of the country’s sustainable development in the nexus of water, energy and food: 

  1. Established Strategic Orientation, 
  2. Burgeoning Business Supporting Programs, 
  3. Adequate Scientific Knowledge Creation, as well as 
  4. Increasing Collaboration and Networking. 

In the build-up to COP27, the Egyptian government has launched the “Nexus of Water, Food and Energy (NWFE)”, an innovative and ambitious programme comprising 9 projects with a total cost of US$14.7 billion 

(…) Clicca al seguente link per leggere l’articolo https://www.enicbcmed.eu/focus-nex-labs-best-practices-egypt-highlights-importance-strategic-orientation-support-innovation

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Buone Pratiche WEF Nexus della Spagna (Supporto comunicazione progetto NEX LABS ENICBCMED)

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Sono lieta di condividere uno degli articoli che ho redatto per conto del progetto NEX LABS che vede coinvolti 7 partner Mediterranei per condividere buone pratiche per il governo del WEF nexus nell’ottica dello sviluppo sostenibile dell’eco-sistema mediterraneo. L’incarico mi è stato affidato dal partner progettuale NET7 responsabile per la comunicazione del progetto europeo. In questo articolo condivido le buone partiche della Spagna.

Focus on NEX-LABS Best Practices in Spain: investing in Open innovation and competitiveness to ensure future growth of the ecosystem

During the past months, NEX-LABS project partners have worked with an incredible commitment to defining a list of their country-specific best practices which are helpful to build a resilient, sustainable, and inclusive Mediterranean ecosystem for water, energy and food security.

Best practices are a fundamental ingredient to building a catalogue which can be useful for policy building, as well as for improved local entrepreneurship and community resilience.

The survey conducted in Spain, was helpful in defining four features of the country’s sustainable development addressing water, energy and food nexus:

  1. Open Innovation
  2. Competitiveness
  3. SMEs and Entrepreneurs
  4. Digital and Sustainable

As mentioned by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Spain stands out in open innovation initiatives, from ICT to energy, finance and retail. Spanish corporations have the ability to combine the university’s educational and scientific efforts with the business ecosystem, since most of them have their own start-up programmes. We are talking of over 50 corporations with an embodied research centres (you may find a list at this link https://www.investinspain.org/en/innovation/R&D-centres), and Ninety of the 100 top companies in R&D have a subsidiary in Spain (Source: Thomson Reuters).

Innovation is gaining strength in the Spanish economy. (…) Clicca al seguente link per leggere l’articolo
