Tag Archives: ateneo sostenibile

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Sustainable Campuses as a key to future development

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Reports show that SDGs are not known by middle management, and CSR is not fully taken to its potential unless management buys in the moral purpose, and not only as the license to operate. Let’s start by investing in a sustainable campus, and seeding our closest future leaders. I recommend you register to the 2nd International Symposium on Sustainable Campus.

The program is very rich, and susan george and I will share a workshop introducing Theory U and some tools to facilitate ego to eco-system transformation.

Conference link, and registrations: https://www.haw-hamburg.de/en/ftz-nk/events/florence2018.html

When: Tuesday 11 December – 17:15 – 19:00 U.lab Social Innovation Hub training in University Campuses Elena Piani, and Susan George. Piani Projects and University of Florence, Italy

Where: University of Florence,  Aula Ostensio Del Giardino dei Semplici (Botanical Garden) – Via Micheli 3 Florence

Workshop brief: Building upon two decades of action research at MIT, Theory U shows how individuals, teams, organizations and large systems can build the essential leadership capacities needed to address the root causes of today’s social, environmental, and spiritual challenges. In this workshop we will share the five movements and seven essential leadership capacities reinforced through the U process, allowing a shift in consciousness from ego-system to eco-system awareness. The workshop will also involve the experimentation of some tools of the U.lab platform available on MOOC and in person programs. Further information is available at https://www.presencing.org/#/aboutus/theory-u and https://www.presencing.org/#/programs/course/landing-page/ulab_1x/at_a_glance

#sustainability #education #universities #csr #sdgs #circulareconomy #campus #sustainabledevelopment #presencing #ulab