Tag Archives: EEE

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Isn’t it marvelous @EEE – Experiential Educators Europe Pre + Conference in Poland 2023

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As already happened last year in Holland, this year in the amazing outback of Poland I took my unique opportunity to develop and give my contribution to our educational community for businesses and organizations.

EEE is a non-formal community of 1.700 people, where about 70 professionals attend the yearly non-conference. We come from approximately 15 different countries, mostly from European countries, with some exclusions as non-EU such as Pakistan USA. It is amazing how in 6 days we bond together; despite our very long lasting days, starting @7am with QiGong, to bonfire discussions until @3am. We are exhausted by the end, one week recovery, so many insights and learning!!

More than 100 hours listening, sharing, training and experiencing!

I offered a workshop I designed called GPS for success using space, time, heights, embodiment, journalling and values. I experienced from my colleagues ZOOM, Emotional Cards, Cultural Rallye, Constellations, First hour of a course, Being a my own Hero, HSE workshop for workshop psychological and physical safety, and so many energizers!!! All amazing people and fabulous experiences and rich exchanges! I still wonder how we make it every year!

The first two days were outdoor education experiences, we walked through the snow reaching Zakopane valley, and then we went rock climbing and doing bon fire nights! How amazing!

The next four days was our full-on non-conference, where each of us offers a workshop.

No set agenda, just the certainty of deep, bonding, and personal/professional experiences, some life changing.

This year we also had a social visit to the Salt mines, and I also personally visited Auschwitz, incredible to walk steps of history and still blown away how genocides still happen today, though the extermination of one million people was visible, yet no one intervened.

Thank you to our Polish team!!!

As for next year I volunteered to be part of the organizing team and we are looking forward to hosting you near Berlin in a dark forest!

Learn more about EEE: https://eeeurope.org/about-eee/

WHAT IS EEE EXACTLY? Experiential Educators Europe is a free, unofficial, democratic people organization. The main common interest is experiential learning. Members meet, at least, once a year, during the annual conference, somewhere in Europe to share their knowledge, exchange their experience and reinforce their relation with other european collegues.

— ABOUT CONFERENCE — Since 1997 this annual conference has provided a unique meeting place for experiential educators, trainers, therapists, teachers, coaches and others who are interested in sharing, discussing and challenging their knowledge, methods and techniques. It took place in nearly 20 countries, from Türkiye to Alaska, Taiwan and on board a ship sailing across The Mediterranean Sea. All of the previous 27 editions of the Conference were organised by and for educators and trainers of experiential education, who in effect developed an exceptional fellowship. Each event is a great opportunity to share own skills and take part in dozens of workshops from all around the world. Every year a new host is collectively chosen by the EEE community.

— HOW IT WORKS — What sets us apart from most other practitioner conferences is our completely informal structure together with our belief that everyone who attends (whether ‘new’ or not) has something to share that others can learn from. This means that the workshops are provided by participants. There are no paid speakers. Everything is voluntary and is organised by the group.We do not have conference themes. The people who come shape what the conference is about, under the broad and flexible banner of ‘experiential learning’. So on the first day we work all together to create a programme that try to satisfy most of people expectations. In this way we provide a democratic and informal process, open to all participants.The real challenge is then to choose among the many different and interesting workshops!!Every year the conference is hosted in a different country of Europe. On the last day, in the plenary session, those who offer to host the next year conference are presented and then voted. Hence the next hosting country is chosen. See where previous conferences were organized.


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Workshop Systems Thinking Change Management @26th annual European Experiential Educators Conference in Olanda

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28 Aprile- 2 maggio 2022 – In uno scenario naturale, ho partecipato alla 26° conferenza Europea degli Educatori Esperienziali. Il format è quello di un barcamp in Open Space Technology dove il programma viene realizzato dai formatori che offrono le loro competenze per altri formatori.

In questa conferenza ho scelto di combinare 3 strumenti che uso come formatrice indoor e outdoor. Ho offerto un workshop esperienziale sul comportamento del pensatore sistemico. Ho aperto il workshop con le carte CCS di cui sono loro partner per l’Italia, per consentirli di conoscersi attraverso occhi diversi, ed usato lo stesso strumento in chiusura per darsi un feedback ed un consiglio per il futuro. Il cuore del workshop si è svolto con l’ausilio delle carte del comportamento del Pensatore Sistemico, sono oltre 16, e le carte descrivono i comportamenti che dimostra e dei consigli per attivarsi. Il gioco è stato quello di scegliere i comportamenti di cui già diamo testimonianza, i partecipanti divisi in gruppi di 4 hanno ascoltato le storie reciproche, e la riflessione è stata attorno a quello che hanno appreso e indirettamente l’esperienza di come crescere. Il risultato è stato davvero eccitante ed emozionante, con tanto di lacrime emozionali. Si parla spesso del pensiero sistemico, ma non è ovvio esibirlo. Per scoprire quali sono, eccoli qua: https://ttsfilestore.blob.core.windows.net/ttsfiles/habits-single-page-2020.pdf

Ho partecipato a oltre 8 workshop di colleghi eccezionali, sperimentando metodologie conosciute e sconosciute, ci siamo arricchiti reciprocatamento condividendo sapere e conoscenze. Eravamo tutti provenienti da paesi diversi, 80 educatori da più di 12 paesi europei, e anche una persona dal Pakistan/USA.

La sede è stata quella di Sonnewende (https://zonnewende.nl/, https://goo.gl/maps/VsFH9zZBdJJweisJA, ) vicino ad Einhoven, con possibilità di tenere i nostri workshop indoor o outdoor, ed era tutto residenziale per 3 giorni. Veramente un clima di pace, professionalità e divertimento, così come la formazione esperienziale sa essere. L‘anno prossimo saremo in Polonia!